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CRASAC is the only specialist provider in Coventry with over 40 years’ experience working with victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse. 

Our prevention, training, and consultancy service covers all aspects of sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and is underpinned by our experience and research across many different sectors. 

We have a range of standard training packages suitable for anyone who supports or may provide services for children, young people and adults. For organisations who need something more bespoke, we can work in partnership to create a completely tailored package.  

Contact us on for more information or to arrange a short consultation.

Standard Training

What is Sexual Violence – An Overview

This course explores the different forms of sexual violence, its prevalence, and the myths, stereotypes and statistics which surround it. It looks at the impact, indicators and how to implement a trauma informed response. 

Full-day course outline

Responding to disclosure

The first response to a disclosure of abuse is vitally important. This training will look at indicators of sexual violence and abuse, reactions in the event of sexual violence, and barriers to disclosure. It will equip frontline workers, safeguarding leads and managers with the confidence to respond to disclosures appropriately – resulting in better outcomes for victims and survivors. 

Supporting survivors of sexual violence

Exploring ways of safely supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse in a trauma informed way. 

An introduction to trauma informed practice

Examining the physical and emotional impact of trauma and the basic principles of trauma informed practice. 

Understanding Child Sexual Abuse

This course is designed to enhance knowledge around Child Sexual Abuse and ensure a confident response to concerns. It will cover the various types of abuse (including online); ways to recognise the indicators, identify and prevent child sexual abuse; and how to raise concerns about abuse. 

Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). This training explores the various types of CSE and many of the myths that surround it – including victim blaming. 

Vicarious trauma

Research and experience show that frontline workers can be traumatised by the experiences of those they are working with. This training is for those whose work may bring them into contact with people who have been traumatised, and staff who are responsible for health, safety, and wellbeing. 

Training is also available for managers of front line workers which covers the signs and symptoms of vicarious trauma, and the potential emotional effects on staff who working directly with trauma survivors.

Safeguarding Level One

Statutory training for all those who support children, young people and vulnerable adults. This course focuses on the importance of safeguarding, current legislation and when to take action. It highlights individual and organisational responsibilities and developing robust safeguarding policies and procedures. 

Working with attachment in traumatised children

Early traumatic experiences or abuse within the family can significantly impact on a child’s development, ability to form healthy relationships, and can lead to complex behaviours born from anxiety. This course is designed to explore attachment theory, how it may present in children and young people, and to explain how to respond effectively as a protective adult. It is suitable for professionals, foster-carers, and adoptive parents. 

Protective Behaviours

Protective Behaviours is a useful framework for all practitioners working with both children and adults. This course is particularly beneficial to those early in their career in the sexual violence field, such as ISVAs or counsellors and those wanting to gain knowledge about the Protective Behaviours framework and its application.  

Violence against women and girls – causes and consequences of women’s homelessness

A series of workshops that look at the experiences of homeless women and sexual violence, barriers to accessing services, and perceptions of safety. 

To find out more about our training packages or to discuss something more tailored contact: or call 024 7627 7772. 

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