CRASAC were delighted to be able to speak at the launch of a new Help Point for Women after Rape in Warsaw this week. The Help Point has been launched by feminist organisation Feminoteka and is the first of its kind in Poland.
A national pilot, the Help Point will provide comprehensive tailored care to women who have been raped or sexually abused and include medical assistance, evidence collection, legal advice, counselling and emotional support.
Along with other European centres, CRASAC have been sharing our knowledge and experience to support the team at Feminoteka and help develop their services based on the models we use to support victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse.
It was a privilege to be part of the event along with colleagues from Rape Crisis South London, Dublin Rape Crisis, Sexual Violence Services Barcelona and medical experts from the World Health Organisation – all who have been providing expert advice to the new centre.
“Thank you immensely for being a part this event and process and helping us to shape and define our centre. It has been a real pleasure connecting with you, it’s a connection that means a lot to us at Feminoteka.”